Life Builders Fall 2011 Young Adult and College Service Trip

October 20-23, 2011 was the Fall 2011 Young Adult & College Service Trip at River Valley Ranch, in Manchester, MD.  It was a great weekend weather-wise to get a number of things done for the camp ministry.

A group arrived mid-afternoon on Thursday.  After unpacking and getting settled into the cabins, they went to work.  The work included: moving parts of bunk beds and furniture into rooms that were newly painted and re-carpeted, then putting the bunk beds together; fixing and stacking picnic tables for the winter; and cleaning flood debris from a fence.

By Friday morning, most who were coming had arrived.  The day was spent doing the following jobs: cutting, moving and stacking firewood; cleaning flood debris caught in a fence and under the rodeo stands then taking it to be burned; mulching around plants; and installing a pre-hung door.

Saturday was big day at River Valley Ranch.  It is their largest day for their Maizefest.  So for most of the day a good number of people were helping with the Maizefest at various stands and activities.  Others worked at weed whacking; cleaning the X-barn; cleaning leaves off a roof; cleaning windows at the dining hall and kitchen; and helping with the rebuilding of the Wranglers Roost.

In the evenings after dinner, we had gathering times.  Our speaker, Dustin Thompson, lead the group at discussing various Christian characteristics that relate to being a Christian leader.  A few members from Finland Mennonite Church lead the rest of the participants in songs of worship and praise.

Then the rest of the evening was free time.  During those times the group played signs, dodge ball, floor hockey, and other games.  They also had a chance to enjoy the six acre corn maze as well as use the climbing wall.  Also some time was spent around a campfire.

Sunday, after the last Gathering Time, the group cleaned up, packed and left.

Overall, it was a great weekend of helping out another ministry.

View pictures from the weekend at

View a video of the pictures at

Learn how to join a Young Adult/College Service Trip at