Life Builders-C.E Work Camps. Week 3, Part 1. 721/13-7/23/13


The last week of Work Camp for the year has arrived! The opportunity to get to know each of the campers on a more intimate level arose because there was only one group this week! And they traveled all the way from Minnesota! They traveled for 3 days, making a few stops along the way, visiting tourist areas of the country. We were all excited to have them with us, and they all seemed to be full of energy!

Camp Gathering time was slightly different than it had been due to the size of the group. This allowed the speaker, Ben Murray to be more personal, and make better connections with the group. He led Worship in song along with two of the Female Staff members. He then began to give a brief overview of his testimony, and an introduction to the Camp Theme of 2013, “Be Strong and Courageous.” After Camp Gathering time, the group seemed tired after all the traveling, and headed off to bed.


Breakfast was off to a later start than usual, due to the camper’s late arrival Sunday evening. The group had a lot of questions; but they were very excited to see what they would be working on and how the rest of the week would go. For such a small group, the campers really had

It was a hot day at the work sites! Thankfully, the clouds were out which kept everyone cool if they were working outside. The already small group split up into about 4 groups. They were very productive, painting, repairing holes, and putting new floors in the homes!

After an exciting first day, the campers headed back to shower, and get ready for dinner. After dinner was served, it was time to Worship with the Lord! After Worship in song, the speaker led a few demonstrations of spiritually, “Punching Fear in the Face.” He had everyone get together and tell the person next to them, a time in their life when they acted courageously. He also had everyone turn to the person next to them and look them in the eye for a period of time, helping us remember how hard it is to face fear; but it is possible. Connecting with everyone in this way seemed very affective because it is such a small group.

After Camp Gathering time, a Work Site Coordinator, Josh Markloff, one of the homeowners from a work site, and the boys of the group joined in a game of football. Everyone really enjoyed the rest of the night; but soon it was time to rest up for the next day!


Another morning begun! The campers left with full stomachs and packed lunches as they went off to their work sites!

Another cloudy day with a breeze! The groups continued to replace floors, paint a bedroom, install trim work and replace the flooring in a hallway. All of the groups stayed on task and were determined to get the job done! Serving God one nail at a time!

As the work day came to a close, the groups headed back to the church for dinner and Camp Gathering time. Soon after dinner, the group gathered for some praise and worship. The Speaker’s main message for the night was to “Never Give Up.” He made the point in saying the best things take risk and perseverance. He gave the example of how he met his wife, speaking of their first date and how he expressed his interest in her afterward and she wasn’t interested. After she spent a summer in Africa, his mind was still on her and he took a risk to ask her out again, and this time she showed interest in him and well, ten years later, the married couple is proof that perseverance in our relationship with God will end in blessings!

After Camp Gathering time, the boys played Man Hunt around the church building. Then it was time to get some rest to rise early for the next morning!



Watch the videos of the week at: